Field Agent Canada - Now 175,000 Agents Strong!
Feb 22, 2022 4:27:24 PM | Jeff Doucette
Mobile Research,
Insights Report
We are excited to announce that we welcomed our 175,000th Canadian Field Agent this past weekend!
This means that Field Agent officially has 175,000 sets of eyes gathering data and completing tasks for us all across Canada! Just think, what could 175,000 sets of eyes do for your brand or product?
This means that Field Agent officially has 175,000 sets of eyes gathering data and completing tasks for us all across Canada! Just think, what could 175,000 sets of eyes do for your brand or product?
Here are a few suggestions:

Display Audits | Mystery Shopping | Digital Demo |
Price Checks |
Product Insights | Ratings & Reviews |
On-Shelf Availibilty | Competitive Insights | Buy & Try |
Contact us today to discuss how we can put those 175,000 agents to work for you!