Case Study: How Anheuser-Busch Found a New Way to Drive Trial
Driving Trial. When beverages are your business, you need to make sure that your customers know that your stuff is the good stuff.
But it's hard for traditional sampling programs to work in a social-distanced world. As the pandemic continues, many companies are searching for alternative solutions.

That's the situation Anheuser-Busch found itself in during 2020. As one of the world's leading alcoholic beverage companies, Anheuser-Busch relies heavily on sampling programs to give shoppers a taste of their products.
“Due to COVID we went months without having a sampling solution to support some of our most important brands,” says Bronica Banks, Anheuser-Busch's US Director of Shopper Marketing.
With a new beverage, Bud Light Seltzer, hitting the market, Banks knew she would need to innovate to get the drink in shoppers' hands.
Her solution? Buy & Try
Here's what happened. Buy & Try sent a set of targeted shoppers to purchase Bud Light Seltzer from designated stores, and try them at home. The streamlined process then generated a range of benefits for Anheuser-Busch, including:
- Quality, shareable online content
- Positive word-of-mouth
- Repurchase tracking
Buy & Try gave Banks the sampling solution she needed, and much more.
“My experience with Field Agent has been very pleasant,” she says. “I'm excited to utilize [the Buy & Try] model as the primary growth engine for many of our emerging brands in 2021."
Wow. We just love hearing from satisfied clients.
Check out the Anheuser-Busch case study below, then read how Buy & Try drove trial for Michael Angelo's new meat lasagna.
Download the free case study, "How Anheuser-Busch Discovered a New Way to Sample,"to see how Buy & Try helps brands get products in shoppers' hands.
Learn more about our Buy & Try service here: Field Agent Buy & Try