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    Virtual Store Tour - Continente Bom Dia, Portugal

    Aug 22, 2024 11:19:20 AM | Jeff Doucette Mobile Research

    Here at Field Agent we LOVE new stores! We try to get out to them as soon as they open and share what we see with you!

    Again this week we have a special edition of Field Agent Canada's Virtual Store Visit with our General Manager, Jeff Doucette having just wrapped up vacation in Portugal. On his trip he also had a chance to visit a Continente Bom Dia (Good Day) store in Porto, Portugal.
    Continente is a retail chain that belongs to Sonae Distribuição, the largest retailer in Portugal.
    Continente operates around 300 stores in Portugal with three main store formats; regular Continente stores, Continente Modelo stores (hypermarkets of proximity, with an area of about 22,000 sq ft, and Continente Bom Dia (convenience stores and smaller supermarkets in urban locations, designed for more frequent purchases of everyday life averaging 8,600 sq ft.
    We hope you enjoy this special edition Virtual Store Tour!


    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.51.34 AM


     Our tour takes you right to the shopper as they explore. See all the photos below!  

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