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    Virtual Store Tour - No Name Store, Windsor

    Sep 6, 2024 12:47:07 PM | Jeff Doucette Mobile Research

    Here at Field Agent we LOVE new stores! We try to get out to them as soon as they open and share what we see with you!

    This week, in one of the most interesting developments in Canadian food retailing in some time, Loblaw Companies opened its first pilot "no name" store in Lasalle, ON just outside Windsor.

    This is the closest to a true European hard discounter (think Aldi or Lidl) that we have seen in Canada and it will be interesting to see how shoppers react to this format of retailing.
    Coming amid record high food costs, this model focuses on "center-store" items under the no name brand with no refrigerated items and limited frozen assortment, shorter store hours and repurposing used store fixtures, all aimed at keeping costs down and prices low.




    We just had to see it, so we sent two Field Agents to give us a virtual tour. We also asked them to give us their view as a local on this new location and what they really liked (or disliked). Our tour takes you right to the shopper as they explore. See all the photos below!  

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